Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maintain Consciousness

Matt Thiessen of Relient K and I were on the same page this week. Check the lyrics to his song...

Maintain Consciousness

Our concentration it contains a deadly flaw
Our conversations change from words to blah, blah blah
We took prescription drugs but look how much good that did
Well I think I had a point, but I just got distracted
Lately it just seems to me like we've got the letters A.D.D.
Branded into our mentality
We simply can't focus on anything
Because its 17, 18, 19 routine and here at 23 it's the same old me
And that one thing of the moment that we all happen to like
Will only very temporarily kinda break the cycle of the double edged sword
Of being lazy and being bored
We just want more and more and more
Till it's all we can afford
To keep our eyes open for just one more day
To keep on hoping that we'll stumble on a way
To keep our minds open for just one more day
Cause its completely up to us to maintain consciousness

...The prescription drugs especially hit home. No, no. Not like that. This week I was constantly reminded of my four newly extracted wisdom teeth as excruciating pain shot up my jawline. Thank goodness for shortened school weeks. Multiple extracurricular engagements, holidays, and other (completely district approved) days of rest mean that I haven't sat through a full five day school week!

So long, Summer.

1 comment:

Megan said...

i love that song :)