Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Beautiful Heart

"Teaching music is not my main purpose.  I want to make good citizens.  If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance.  They get a beautiful heart."

-Shinichi Suzuki

Another year of the Intermountain Suzuki String Institute is here!  While I'm not participating in Chamber Days or the main stream of classes, I'm hanging around the host school Juan Diego this week.
I'm spending my time directing  younger siblings to classes, catching up on some reading in the spacious and sunlight-filled library, and submitting concert reviews to  the newsletter which is circulated daily.
I'm beginning to type up a paragraph focused on this incredible childrens violin group from Singapore.  I just observed these young performers today (they must all be under the age of ten!),  and I must say that they are aptly named Joyful Strings.  Their technique was incredible,  they obviously have had a highly disciplined childhood.  Being here is also getting me excited for my Suzuki teacher training which will start next summer!   It's a neat side (or full-time) job that I hope to take with me throughout my life.

I'm loving this visit to Utah, last week was absolutely chock-full of fun.  My one wish is that the weather would heat up a bit!  I've been missing flip-flop season.

1 comment:

Julia Kelly said...

Glad you are enjoying your time. But, know that you are missed here in hot humid Motown. :)