Monday, May 11, 2009

Ten things that make me happier than anything else

10. Running and walking along the Jordan River parkway
9. Unexpected patches of sunlight resting on the couch, my floor and my bed.
8. Pink, white and black M&Ms.
7. When a song or smell unexpectedly reminds me of the summer before.
6. Freckles freckles freckles.
5. Pencils sharpened to perfection.
4. The Canadian prairie
3. That book I can't put down until it's finished.
2. No requirements, no time time restrictions, simply playing my violin.
1. That seminary lesson or testimony that hits in an unexpected way.
What are your ten?


Brynnella said...

mmm walking on the of the best things in the world!

cb. said...

That's adorable, Paige. I love these little entries of yours.