Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

We love you!  Thank you for all of your thoughtfulness and hard work on our behalf, you are the glue to the family and we recognize everything you do for us.  Thanks for pushing us to work hard, learn our instruments, read good books, exercise, and learn of the gospel.  Thank you for teaching us by example how to be leaders,  to be proactive, to never take no for an answer, and to change our surroundings to create something beautiful and enriching. Thank you for being such a strong example of living the gospel, and thank you for your patience and selflessness. You are the best mom we could ever ask for.

Happy Birthday!

Stan man is completely adorable, and was very sweet about sneaking out of the house so Mom didn't see. 

Anne's cute smile made the pictures.  The complete set is pending, but we will have a summer set soon enough as per your request!

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