Monday, May 14, 2012

Chasing Bliss II

Remember this?
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Today a well-coiffed, bespectacled young man asked me what I was studying.

I replied, "Public relations, with minors in nonprofit management and. . . music."

I guess I'm used to people raising their eyebrows and nodding (probably in manners-driven approval and usually, ironically, most fervently at the music part), because his retort fired me up just a bit.

"Well," he said (partially joking), "You're definitely not following the money."
Which is probably true.

"You know," I said, "I really believe that if you are passionate about something and good at what you do, the money will follow."

And I do believe that. And something I'm beginning to believe even more is that if you are passionate and proficient and always looking outward, the money begins to matter even less.

It's about chasing your bliss, eh?

And in that vein of thought, I would like to note that this blog post was brought to you two questions into my statistics homework. At least I'm identifying what isn't on my bliss list.

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1 comment:

mldsx7 said...

and this comment was brought to you 86 pages into my thesis; now stop distracting me!