Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stress Relief

It's been a stress-filled week-- the shooting out of bed, heart-pounding at 5 am kind of stress.  My to-do list has been rather hefty, but certainly not more than I've had to tackle before. I've never experienced jittery anxiety quite like this before: hands quivering, mind whizzing from one thing to the next like a hummingbird.

Luckily, the move across the country during my junior year of high school honed my coping skills.  And I've picked up a few more since moving to Provo.  Here we go:

1. The Office

This show has gotten me through so much. No joke.  One episode and several laughs later, I can't help but feel better, my mind carried ways away from the present worry to the lovely town of Scranton. And before I know it, one episode turns to six. . .

2. Hot drinks

Originally the drink of choice was hot chocolate (with a Harry Potter book in hand), but I've since opted for the healthier option of herbal tea, peach being my favorite (and college reading requirements have stifled my beloved Harry Potter sessions). 

3. Running
Doesn't always sound good, but always, always works.

4.  Phone calls
 Julie and mother dear have been on the receiving line lately. (Thanks & much love).

5.  Naps on a soft couch in the warmth of a sunbeam
Need I say more?

6.  Watermelon

This is a new one, but so soothing.  I think I have possibly single-handedly consumed four watermelons in the last month.

7.  The Book of Mormon
When nothing else works, this does. The spirit of this book has comforted and lifted my heart and brought light to my life when I needed it most.  Learn about it here.

8. And ok, I won't pretend this doesn't happen. Often. 

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