Saturday, March 3, 2012

February: Lived It Up, Wore it Out

February was a month of heavy-duty homeworking and work-working with some high points on the weekends.  A few highlights:

One of several dances this month, this one being on the more formal end.  How could we tell?  There were chocolate fountains involved. 
 Valentine making with thumb prints just like the second grade :).
An excellent apartment-wide late-night discussion aided by Julie's D.I. purchase of 365 Questions for Couples. Hilarious.

 And don't forget Apartment 262's monthly playlist!  We had some memorable lines this month:

Luke Bryan in honor of Lindsey's lovely new car and joy rides:

You've got your hands up, you're rocking in my truck, you got the radio on, you're singing every song.  I'm set on cruise control, I'm slowly losing hold of everything I got. . . 

Carly Rae Jepson in honor of the pick up line of the month:
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe?

And finally, an ode to the mental and physical taxation of three midterms in three days:

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