Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's

Alright I'll admit it. Utah has better skiing than Alberta. But the multi-stake dance last night topped any one I've ever been to back home. It was the size of an EFY dance (hundreds and hundreds of people)-with better music. I went with my cousins Jeremy and Danielle their friends Tyler, Alex, Peter, Melissa, and Brooke. I didn't know anyone, but within an hour we were all comfortable enough to show off our best-and they were very terrible- dance moves. I met and danced with a lot of new people, and loved meeting all of them. It all ended at 12:30. We drove home and I said goodbye to my new friends Brooke and Melissa.
Oh but the night was still young...
I partied it up with Jer, Alex, Tyler, and Peter till 5:00! That is my personal record for late nights. We watched some movies, made a late night stop to 711, and ping ponged. Around 5:00 they all got sucked into Halo so I went upstairs and crashed in bed. I had so much fun, and it was a great start of the year!

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