Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Thanks to some major miracles, I will awake to this view for three weeks this summer!  But wait, you've got to hear the story. 

Smack-dab in the middle of Vermont, Point Counterpoint is a chamber music-oriented summer camp that I applied to earlier this year.  Not only does it offer lots of awesome musical experiences, but some boating, hiking, and morning runs too!   The biggest issue was tuition.  How would I earn my way with my time spread between testing and Utah travels?  When PCP's director called to follow up on my application,  I had to resign my position for session two.  That should have been the end of it.

Interestingly enough, twenty minutes later the director left a voicemail urging me to call her back quickly.  Very soon after she had hung up with us, a well-known musician had called in with an offer to sponsor a potential camper-  he would cover full tuition and travel costs.   She admitted that I wouldn't have been the first to come to mind had the timing been any different, but it seemed as though everything was aligned just so.    In very little time, my name was off the tip of her tongue, and into the ear of the benefactor.

Who he is, and whether I will ever meet him, I don't know.   What I do know for sure is that I can't wait to spend some extended time with my violin in such a serene setting.  I know this opportunity will inspire me to in turn "pay it forward", and I'm so grateful for this blessing.


Josh said...

Hands down the coolest story I've heard all week.

Julia Kelly said...

This is so great Paige and I'm so thrilled for you! What an awesome experiance you'll have.

SierraRachelle said...

That is possibly the best thing ever! I'm so happy for you :)

Derek said...

Congrats! Music and running in the beauty of nature, sounds pretty sweet :)