Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hunter and Stan the Man

My little brothers are the best :) The way we joke and laugh and push each other around; driving each other up the wall and tolerating each other in turns. My brothers continually blow me away, and in a different way than you might think...
They are both living with Severe Hemophilia, (an inherited bleeding disorder caused by low levels, or absence of, a blood protein that is essential for clotting).
It's nothing to be sorry about, and no, they won't bleed to death from a cut. I have watched them go through so much. Sometimes it's just simple details I forget everyone doesn't live with- needles on vacation, FACTOR MAN, Camp Valor.
Hunter, 13, infuses factor into his blood stream to treat bruises and painful joint swelling. It's so much more difficult for Stanford, 3. Failed attempts by nurses to inject factor into his body have lead to several long nights at the ER. Tomorrow Stanford will go under General Anaesthetic for an hour to receive a port.
A port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin, it will make the whole process simpler.
Hunter and Stanford are healthy and active, nothing holds them back. I love to see the way they live their lives without letting this disorder cripple them. As I watch the way they deal with Hemophilia, I recognize it's affect on my own life.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Your brothers are way cute Paige! I hope all is well for them.